Sup all now we have the two new logo.. One is done by me and one is done by my cuz.Mine is the simpler one cuz i was a bit lazy at the point of moment.. So no delaying..So take your time looking at the logos and pls tell me which 1 u have choose..Your choice is very important(each vote cost $0.20)haha jkjk
Silent Roses @ 10:10 PM

Dance Night

Dance Night...
To me Dance Night was quite o.k but the performance was a little bit 'DEAD'
Cuz the starting 2 performance was really boring and really dead..
But the 3 performance was quite o.k better then the first one And the
performance keep getting
better n better...But i think they should consider putting in some Break Dance
or Hip-Hop just to make it more alive and exciting to see...
But after today I just feel that i want to start dancing again.
So this means i will have to go back to the basic and will need
to practice more..First i will brush up my Break Dance than my Hip Hop then
Pop Lock then all the other dance
i have learn during my lower sec years..
Amirul a.k.a Silent Roses
Oo ya the rating for the dance night will be around 6-7(just a rating)
Silent Roses @ 6:47 AM